How to Browse The Web In #Privacy Mode

Google Chrome


Google Chrome can be forced to run in “Incognito” – private browsing mode when you launch it, by adding a simple command line switch. In Windows, right click on the Chrome shortcut and select properties. In the target area, just add –incognito to the end of the string. For profiles, use:

C:\Users\<username>\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe -incognito –user-data-dir=”..\User Data\<username>”

Mozilla Firefox


Firefox can be made to run in default private browsing mode, by adding the command line switch –private to the end of the target.

Internet Explorer


As with Firefox, add the command line switch -private to launch Internet Explorer in InPrivate mode.



Since Opera has per-tab private browsing (unlike the others), adding the        -newprivatetab switch will load both a blank, private tab and whatever your startup preference is set to (last tabs, speed dial, etc.) in standard browsing mode.

Author: Jas Dhaliwal

Hi, I’m Jas! I’m a digital marketer, technologist, and storyteller. I’m passionate about exploring the intersection of business, technology, and humanity. I hope you found this post informative. You can also follow me as @Jas on Twitter