🎬 How to watch YouTube videos in fullscreen

Have you ever wanted to watch YouTube videos in full screen, HD quality? Well, this simple URL tweak allows for any YouTube video to be displayed in fullscreen, HD (if available), and in autoplay mode.

Follow the steps below:

  1. Take your existing YouTube URL, for example: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jiyIcz7wUH0
  2. Replace /watch?v=Β  with /embed/ to enable the full screen mode
  3. For HD, add ?hd=1
  4. To autoplay the video, add ?&autoplay=1 to the URL
  5. Your new YouTube URL, should now look like this: http://www.youtube.com/embed/jiyIcz7wUH0?hd=1?&autoplay=1
  6. To start the video at a certain time, add &start=90 (for example to start the video 90 seconds in

Note, to add a start time to a regular video the string is different, see below:

Author: Jas Dhaliwal

Hi, I’m Jas! I’m a digital marketer, technologist, and storyteller. I’m passionate about exploring the intersection of business, technology, and humanity. I hope you found this post informative. You can also follow me as @Jas on Twitter